Congrats to 1st place Jordan Pisarcik!


Strange year... so we didnt have a competitive leage. In addition, not all players wanted to partake. That said, we did have a casual 8-team league and congrats to the winner, "Alameda Bubble Trouble" lead by Mr. Madore!


Sam won again, again: a legit 4-pete. The Minaie dynasty continues.


Sam won again: a legit 3-pete. James Hoover had a strong year, but like all the rest of us, could not topple the Minaie dynasty. There are no words. Congratulations, Sam. This is your work of art.


It was a fantasy football showdown between league commissioners: Sam from Baseball vs Bobby from Basketball. Sam's "Dude, Where's My Carr" (previously known as "Golden Taints") marched to a second consecutive victory with back to back years holding Antonio Brown. Bobby's "I Make Bad Decisions" looked like he might pull the win, but lost it all by a mear 4 points in the last moments. Let's also be clear that photoshopping Bobby onto Phil Jackson is seriously some of my worst work. Jesus.


It was a showdown of trouble vs taints. Sam, unforgiving of his loss in 2015, worked his way back into the championship and dominated. Yuen's team was up for the challenge, but lost momentum in the final hours.


Perry clearly had the strongest team of the season. We all tried to take him down, but it was impossible. Sam's Golden Taints also lost a few significant players in the last week. One specific loss was due to OBJ being a baby and letting Josh Norman push him into tantum mode. We all remember that game. IT was "taintfully" pathetic. Alas, 2015 belongs to Montana.